The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century. The Industrial Revolution began in United Kingdom, and spreaded throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. This revolution changed technology, manufacturing, mining, transport, and agriculture. Also this revolution had many major effects not only did it change society but is change everyday life and the climate of the world. The Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in history and it changed how people see life.
The Industrial Revolution had a bad impact on the earth as well. It has polluted the earth and has contributed to of global warming. The millions of factories that were built used coal and other harmful substances to keep the factories running. Factories would run non-stop for endless hours which made it able for the harmful substances enter the atmosphere. Which also effects the climate change of the world and climate change is the global climate pattern. Also this explains why certain regions are a certain temperature as well. Therefore this is how the harmful and dangerous substances of the industrial revolution has effected climate change and the earth.
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